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Vindikari, Lady of Vengeance
Domains Divine justice, retribution, relentless pursuit, the inescapable
Additional Symbols
Colors or Aesthetics Blue, white, and gold

Basic Overview

Vindikari is the Goddess of Vengeance, whose symbol is a set of scales with crossed swords.

Vindikari teaches the importance of balance and truth through vengeance.


She is the twin sister of Verax, God of Justice. The two were created by their parents, Gwynna and Nul, to govern the gods, prevent wars between the gods, and improve the order of all things.

Worship & Simple Devotions

There are those who believe these Orders are no more than mercenaries and assassins, but the order serves vengeance in more ways than just death, and they are sworn to only conduct these missions against their targets. If an innocent is caught up in the Order's path of vengeance, they or their family at minimum receive a donation in recompence.

At higher levels in these Orders you will find Retributors of Vindikari, who prevail over rituals, offer guidance, and mediate the ethics of vengeance on a case-by-case basis. The more experience gained, the higher a Retributor's standing will be within the Order, and the more important or high profile rites they will oversee. The High Retributor of Vindikari resides in Atherens, Thracia.

Ceremonies and celebrations in devotion to Vindikari take many forms, depending on the sect. There are those who make religious offerings, including food, animals, and sentimental possessions at Shrines of Vindikari, where they ask for forgiveness for their wrong doings. Others put on yearly spectacles where they reenact famous court hearings where vengeance prevailed. Some even participate in ritual scarification to mark their bodies and keep a physical reminder of the grudges they hold.

Major Religious Centers

Formal Orders

Many serve their Goddess in Orders such as the Orders of Sotris and Tisiphone, whose headquarters are Alba and Thracia respectively. Orders such as these serve vengeful citizens, but without the means to seek vengeance for themselves. Such people can go to these Orders and request their religious services, sometimes for a tithe depending on the extent of their request.

Presence in Warwick

A small sect of her followers local to Warwick believe that Vindikari will cleanse the world of disarray and chaos. After a period of unrest will come the end times. These followers invite doomsday preparations in order to prepare for the end. Believers in this outcome say that this comes from Vindikari as an extreme act of punishment and offer an explanation for the expansion of the Wastes, stating this is an act of Vindikari's will.

Despite the majority of Vindikari's followers seeking vengeance against those who have wronged them, there are still those who believe the best vengeance is to live a long, happy and healthy life out of spite. These folks are of no organized Order yet, as many of them find solace in Vindikari's teaching later in life. These humble devotees are an example of the types of followers the Goddess of Vengeance attracts.

[[Category:Thracian Pantheon]]