Template:Country Infobox

From Legacies Gameworld Wiki
Capital City: {{{3}}}
System of Governance: {{{4}}}
Leader(s) {{{5}}}
Primary Religion: {{{6}}}
Languages {{{7}}}
Majority Races {{{8}}}
Strong Minorities {{{9}}}
Real World Influence: {{{10}}}

  • Field 1: This is for the flag of the country. [[Image file.png]]
  • Field 2: Country Name. Example: Nordehavn
  • Field 3: Capital City.
  • Field 4: System of Government. Anarchy? Monarchy? Patriarchy? Aristocracy? Etc.
  • Field 5: Leaders. You can add multiple via bullet points by adding asterisks * to the line, if there are more than one.
  • Field 6: Primary Religion. (if any)
  • Field 7: Languages spoken. This is generally considered to be the primary language of the country, though minority languages could also be represented if there are more than one.
  • Field 8: Majority Races. Usually a singular entity, though as with field 5, bullet points can be entered for multiple with asterisks.
  • Field 9: Strong Minorities. As with Field 8, can be represented by asterisks for multiple.
  • Field 10: Real World Influence. Almost all the places in Legacies have a real world analog. This goes into Field 10.

In the example below, there is a different flag used for illustration purposes only.

Full Example:

{{Country Infobox
|[[File:Vedia Flag.png|x150px]]
|Petty kingdoms, Althing
|*Gudrød "The Black" Haldansson Earl of Nordestrand
*Álfgeir "The Longshanks" Vingulsson Earl of Laninkoping
*Víkarr "Hangedman" Arkstad Earl of Bjørvikalund
*Grjotgard Eysteinsson of the Cut Waves Earl of Skanelund
*Sigtryg "White Eye" Alreksson, Earl of Sigtunalund
*Red Halfdan, Earl of Trelleborg
*Uthgar Mikkelson, Earl of Nidaroslund
|Norsk & some Rus

Gives you this, aligned also on the right side of the page.

Vedia Flag.png
Capital City: Nordestrand
System of Governance: Petty kingdoms, Althing
  • Gudrød "The Black" Haldansson Earl of Nordestrand
  • Álfgeir "The Longshanks" Vingulsson Earl of Laninkoping
  • Víkarr "Hangedman" Arkstad Earl of Bjørvikalund
  • Grjotgard Eysteinsson of the Cut Waves Earl of Skanelund
  • Sigtryg "White Eye" Alreksson, Earl of Sigtunalund
  • Red Halfdan, Earl of Trelleborg
  • Uthgar Mikkelson, Earl of Nidaroslund
Primary Religion: Norsk
Languages Norsk & some Rus
Majority Races Outlander
Strong Minorities Human
Real World Influence: Vikings