Spirit Realms

From Legacies Gameworld Wiki


Existence, at least as the mortal mind sees it, is separated into different spirit realms. Of these, Ningen-Do and Chikushu-Do are the easiest for the mortal mind to understand and quantify, and hence where mortal souls spend most of their time. It is possible to transition between realms, and indeed the easiest transition is from Ningen-Do to Mei-Do, which is as easy as dying. Transition is not a matter of lateral or linear movement, but rather of a change in mental perspective and affinity. This may be easier at certain geographic points that aid in the change in perspective, but for spirits and souls that have a proper understanding of the order of things such points are not necessary to transition.

Ningen-Do: The Realm of Mortals

The mortal realm, home of the spirits of physical and elemental items (trees, wind, rocks, streams, etc). The most organized of the realms. Of note, the while “mortal spirit” is most often associated with the men and women occupying this realm, their spirits are not actually of the realm. As they are ultimately the offspring of the Celestial Kami, Tengoku is their ultimate home should they develop the wisdom to find their way back.

Chikushu-Do: The Realm of Animals

A realm very close to Ningen-Do, with the spirits of normal animals simultaneously residing in both. Chikushu-Do is also the home of the greater animal spirits, though such spirits rarely also occupy Ningen-Do. The normal animal spirits are ultimately the spirits of men and women who are far from seeing their way to Tengoku, with the hope that life as an animal, and being guided by the respective greater animal spirit will help them glean the foundation wisdom to find their way further into the cycle.

Mei-Do: The Realm of the dead

Not a full realm in truth, but rather an in-between realm; a place of waiting for the recently dead. Spirits that enter here will either be judged good enough for Yomi, or bad enough for Jigoku or one of its associated realms, or neither. Those destined for neither will be reincarnated either in Ningen-Do as a mortal, or in Chikushu-Do as an animal if their previous life was un-virtuous, but not to the point of damnation. Impatient or driven spirits may try to expedite their wait, returning as a Dhampir or spirit in Ningen-Do.

Jigoku: Realm of Hells

A realm (or many realms) of corruption and evil. Souls sent here after death are beyond redemption, completely devoid of any divinity. Every soul here is an oni, either a fully corrupted soul, or the corrupt portion of a soul cast clean from the otherwise pure part. This realm is bent on conquering and destroying all of the other spirit realms. Some views see Jigoku as an amalgamation of many different hellacious realms for the many different types of evil.

Gaki-Do: Realm of the Hungry Dead

Sometimes considered an independent realm, and sometimes simply a corner of Jigoku, this realm is punishment for those that lived their lives in selfishness or dishonor. All they know is the hunger of their greed. For some it is possible for their hunger to be satisfied and for them to return to Mei-Do and eventually reintroduced to the cycle. For others, they lose all other sense of identity, their greed and selfishness being the only remnants of their old self, and all they will know from that point forth is existence as a Gaki. These Gaki are most feared not because of their hunger, but because their presence can pollute the soul of mortals.

Toshigoku: Realm of Slaughter

Sometimes considered an independent realm, and sometimes simply a corner of Jigoku, this realm is home to the dead consumed by thoughts of revenge. Similar to Gaki, but rather than greed that fuels them it is vengeance. For some few the bloodlust can be sated or averted and they may return to the cycle of things, but for most their violent emotions strengthen over time rather than weaken. These souls are the essence of violence, and incredibly dangerous.

Yume-Do: Realm of Dreams

The realm that mortals’ minds enter while dreaming, home to both nightmares and pleasant dreams, and the creatures from both. In many ways this is closest to the western notion of the Fae Realm

Sakkaku: Realm of Mischief

A chaotic realm home to various spirits that cause mischief (Kappa, orochi, mujina, etc). These spirits are not necessarily evil, but rather tricksters and makers of mischief, with several monastic orders revering the spirits as great (if somewhat frustrating) teachers. This realm also closely mirrors what the west would think of as the Fae Realm.

Yomi: the Realm of the Blessed Ancestors

Virtuous souls that have fulfilled their destiny and kharma will progress to Yomi after death. From Yomi the spirits may see many of the realms, and view the larger picture of existence. If they understand the greater riddles and their place within the riddles they may progress to Tengoku. As Ningen-Do is one of the many realms they can see, the spirits from Yomi may see their descendants, and for short periods transit among them. Of note, descendants that bring dishonor to their family can impact their ancestors, either confusing efforts to understand the riddles of existence and put back progress in progressing to Tengoku, or in severe breaches so polluting the ancestors as to pull them back into Mei-Do and eventually reincarnation in Nignen-Do, completely frustrating progress.

Tengoku: Celestial Heavens

Home to the celestial Kami, dragons, and most of the Fortunes. This is a majestic realm, in many ways a form of nirvana (literally). The dead of Yomi may ascend to Tengoku once they properly perceive the true reality, and have decoupled themselves from their limited perspectives they held while mortal. This does not mean denying their mortal attachments, but rather understanding them in the broader context. In very rare occasions the ascended dead may interact with Ningen-Do, but in doing so they risk losing the perspective that granted them ascention in the first place (they also risk being targeted by denizens of Jigoku and associated realms).