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Capital City: {{{3}}}
System of Governance: {{{4}}}
Leader(s) {{{5}}}
Primary Religion: {{{6}}}
Languages {{{7}}}
Majority Races {{{8}}}
Strong Minorities {{{9}}}
Real World Influence: {{{10}}}


High Level Overview of the place


Culture found in land


what faiths are present, what are the views on faith

Social Structure

How the society is structured

Customs and Holidays

What days matter to the people

Arts and Exceptionalism



Organization of the Land

How the power structure is divided regional (i.e. Duchies, Baronies, Lordships, etc.)



Foreign Relations


History since the Dragon Wars

Early History

National History

The land that Osterland encompasses has more history than the nation itself. Originally peopled by intermingled Orc, Ursine, and Outlander tribes, the land was loosely controlled and exchanged in minor wars or tests of dominance. If one tribe joined with or married into another, the two would combine, only to break apart later under other circumstances.

This changed when Ruslav organized itself and invaded the lands in order to unite Boreas into their empire. The local tribes were forced into submission and burdened with new customs, culture, and rule of law. Over time, a series of forced settlements intermingled the populations of the nations, introducing Humans and Goblin communities into the lands. Overtime, this intermigling backfired on Ruslav, instead causing the creation of a new national identity that merged the tribal understanding of the past with the governing principles of the new, turning the region that was now called Osterland into a melting pot of rebellion, waiting for the opportunity to take what was theirs.

When Ruslav was forced back from Laponia with heavy losses, the people of Osterland took their chance, announcing open rebellion and formed a new nation under the name their nameless land had been given, "Osterland". This was in part to snub the governance of Ruslav, but also to acknowledge the growth and contribution of all that peoples that participated. The weakened state of the armies of Ruslav prevented them from doing more than holding their old borders around Osterland. Osterland, for its part, took little more than was their ancestral home and is content with that.

Despite minor skirmishes over positions of importance, both cultural and military, open conflict has not erupted in a number of years.

Major Modern Events

What events will have shaped the experience of characters having grown up there


The physical lay of the land

Notable Features


Peculiar Destinations

See Also