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Canids are sapient, bipedal canines who typically shun the trappings of society to travel in primitive semi-nomadic packs in unsettled lands. The degree of primitiveness depends on how much contact the Canids have with more civilized people. In very remote locations some packs are completely feral, whose language is little better than growls, barks, and howls one would associate with their four-legged brethren, and without even primitive tools. However, the majority of Canids have had enough exposure to the other races to have adopted a semblance of the local language, and are advanced enough to have armor of hide and bone, spears and knives of stone, and have mastered the use of fire. In regions where the Canid packs regularly come in contact with civilization it is not uncommon for members of the pack to trade furs and hides to the other local people, in exchange for items of metal work or of spun cloth.

The Canid race is divided into three species: the Lupus, Vulpas, and Canus. The Lupas have clear lineage with various types of wolves and are the most numerous living in remote locations. The Vulpas appear very similar to smaller wild canines such as foxes and coyotes. Of the three species, Vulpas seem most comfortable operating as loners, though they are also comfortable pack creatures. They have been very successful working on the outskirts of other civilizations. The Canus appear to be descendants of common dogs and jackals. They also prefer life in the wilderness, but as the amount of truly remote locations have dwindled in many lands the aggressively territorial Lupus have forced many Canus into towns and cities.


Canids have strong familial and pack bonds. When intermixed with other races, they often consider their non-canid friends part of their pack, and are as fiercely protective of them as they would be their own family. Canid social structure is often merit based, with the strongest or wisest often being among the leaders of the pack. The mantle of leadership can be passed from parent to offspring, but the offspring will have to prove themselves worthy to the rest of the pack or risk being usurped. Due to the merit based social structure, canids tend to be rather egalitarian, with no pre-determined roles based on gender or birth.

In wild canid packs it is common for children to be kept together and raised communally, with specific members of the pack charged with the safety and training of the pups, while others attend to other duties. Mothers need not arrange for childcare once the pup is weaned so they can continue their roles in the pack, it is understood that the children will be cared for. Because of this, orphans are far better off in a canid village than in many other places, as their quality of care and food is assured by the communal raising.

Population Centers

Canid packs can be found in most wild places in the world, and canid communities are not uncommon in cities, particularly of the Canus species. The largest population centers for canids are Scythia, which has a canid ruling majority, and Subir, which has a sizable canid population, and a member on the Council of Elders