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Vedia Flag.png
Capital City: Gobinapur
System of Governance: Monarchy
Leader(s) Maharani Devakani Marinveda
Primary Religion: Orobosin
Languages Vedic
Majority Races
Strong Minorities
Real World Influence:

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A nation that has sought peace, both for its nation and in the minds of its people, Vedia is a monarchy that has been ruled by Maharani Devakani Marinveda after the passing of her husband by illness in 2004. The monarch is supported by a set of five regional Raja in various governing structures based on the many tribes that inhabit the land. Vedia is located in southern Eurus and bracketed to east and west by the slopes of the Dragonspine Mountains, with it's neighbors being Abbruzo in the west and Shalkara in the east. Protected by a largely sub-tropical climate, Vedia is home to flourishing agriculture, forests of exquisite hardwood, and wildly varied animal life. The capitol of Gobinapur is situated on the largest trade route, the Cauvery River, which leads to the Vedian Gulf and trade ports abroad. The people include a large number of Canids, Felinae, and groups of Mongrels including avian and lapid, among others. Several communities of Humans have villages along trade routes through the kingdom. Culturally, the people are formed into a rigid caste system, that places value on performing your duty and keeping to your place in the world, whatever that may be. The religion of the kingdom could be better termed a philosophy. Called Oborosin, it places high reverence on life, death, and the cycle of life. People with animalistic traits are considered lucky or blessed, and tend to lead a generally privileged existence. In the past decade, Vedia has been improving its road ways through the center of the country, which has led to some unrest among those areas that have had their way of life disrupted by the construction. A semi-political movement has begun in the south west, which has threatened to attempt a secession into a sixth subregion.

It is known for a distinct cuisine, as a source of many popular and exuberantly sought-after spices, and for its singular and distinctive acceptance of mongrel peoples into the complexities of its social order.


Culture found in land


Most people in Vedia follow the teachings of the philosophy of Oborosin, a belief associated with cyclical and inclusive interpretations of life and personal greatness, reincarnation, and reverence for all living things. It is a belief dedicated to the idea that all beings are part of the cycle of life, this includes the concept of "god", which rests in each person and thing. Ultimately, all things end, just as all things begin. Various sects and groups interpret the terms of "end" and "begin" in different manners, which lead to differing levels of peacefulness and morality by adherents. Much of the historical writing associated with Oborosin belief incorporates supernatural beings or great leaders who have various animal or animalistic traits, and a worshipful devotion to all the forms life takes leads to a broadly pacifist, broadly inclusive, often vegetarian culture. People with animalistic traits, called Mongrels in most of the world, are considered blessed and lucky in Vedia and able to lead a modestly privileged existence there by simple virtue of those characteristics.

These generalities are naturally not all inclusive, and Vedia has, as most nations, undergone its own fair share of war, conflict, expansionism, and subjugation. The generous and inclusive nature of Oberosin faith does not in any way preclude the formation of the far-reaching and rigid caste system that shapes daily life for the average Vedian, and the segregation of the castes can lead to difficulty, conflict, and political misfortune as readily as any other oppressive system.

Social Structure

How the society is structured

Customs and Holidays

What days matter to the people

Arts and Exceptionalism



Vedia is a monarchy, ruled by a Maharaja/Maharani (Great King or Queen) who holds power over lesser leaders, Rajas, spread variously throughout the territories. It is divided into five primary subdivisions called Janapadas which have various subordinate governing structures which are rigid and historical to each but not uniform except in their leadership by a Raja and being subject to the Maharaja of all Vedia. The current leader of the country is Maharani Devakani Marinveda, ruling since the illness-related death of her husband Maharaja Vaasudeva Repaundraka in 2004.

Janapadas (States) of Vedia

Organization of the Land

How the power structure is divided regional (i.e. Duchies, Baronies, Lordships, etc.)



Foreign Relations


History since the Dragon Wars

Early History

National History

Vedia’s location makes it a strong component in trade between the eastern and western portions of the continent of Eurus, as the mountain passes between it and it’s neighbors of Shalkara, Oguz, and Abruzzo are less extreme than anywhere else along the Dragonspine. Overland trade routes almost necessarily must pass through Vedia, making it a prime target for invasion and conquest at several points in its long history, but the nation has been an independent and fairly stable one for hundreds of years since achieving independence from the late Sassanid empire in approximately the seventeenth century.

Major Modern Events

What events will have shaped the experience of characters having grown up there


The physical lay of the land

Notable Features


Peculiar Destinations

See Also